quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012


Perguntámos a 33 pessoas de fora de Portugal, o que costumam comprar quando visitam outros países. Aqui ficam algumas respostas:

- “Anything that represents that country and is made there”.

- “Something traditional, unique to the place that I am visiting”.

- “Traditional gifts”.

- “Anything that involves the culture of the country or something to remind me of something specific”.

- “Usually art work for ourselves and ceramics or jewellery as gifts”.

- “Magnets showing the place I have been to, then also anything authentic to the area”.

- “Ornaments, kitchen bowls, traditional clothing”.

- “Gifts related to the place visited”.

- “Traditional items, Jewellery”.

- “Items made from local materials/made by local craftsmen”.

- “Souvenirs, arts and crafts”.

- “Items that are made in the country & would remind me of my time there. Also look for unique things”.

- “Crafty gifts and local produce”.

- “Craft”.

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